Women Empowerment

Jai Hind Womens' Forum
A woman plays a very important role in the growth of any society and it is for them, there happens to be human progress of the nation. In developed countries, we will find that women and men share almost equal social status & opportunities. Nature has gifted women with special qualities like compassion, empathy, tolerance, multi-tasking, and management skills that make women great leaders. We know the great leadership of many women in our Indian history like Jeejau Mata, AhilyaBai Holkar, Savitribai Phule, and Indira Gandhi.
Jai Hind Mahila Manch or Jai Hind Womens’ Forum is one such platform that encourages like-minded women to come together & work towards empowerment collectively that will steer our nation towards progress.
- We encourage and are keen on at least 50% of women being actively involved in all initiatives of Jai Hind Mahila Manch & programs.
- We run various Womens’ Savings groups to make them self-employed & financially independent.
- Health check up & health awareness seminars for women are organized regularly.
- Self-Defense & training programs for women are conducted to make them more self-reliant.
- The kitchen garden provides guidance on growing vegetables in the backyard through waste management, thus encouraging sustainability.
- In rural areas, guidance is also provided on integrated agricultural projects.
- Regular Personality Development camps are organized.
- Sweets are distributed to the soldiers on Diwali and Rakhi is sent to them on Rakshabandhan to express gratitude
Through various initiatives, Jai Hind Women’s Forum also works to inculcate scientific temper & create awareness against blind faith & evil traditions amongst women.