Vision & Mission
Jai Hind People's Movement is a people's movement for creating a healthy & holistic society. A healthy society is foundation of prosperous & mighty nation If the society is not healthy,it makes nation weaker. Such weaker nations are dominated & enslaved by stronger nations.
A healthy & holistic society dwells on rationality, sensitivity, lawfulness which results in collective happiness. Political, economic, social equality is deep-rooted in such societies. World-class education, & health care, are readily available to all stratas of the society. Such society offers employment for all, gives special assistance to the weaker sections and additional opportunities of progress to the abler sections. Such society is keen on rule of law & the strict implementation of the Constitution. It invests heavily in research and skills development , nurtures scientific progress & believes in equality of all religions. Morality, national integrity & unity remains a topmost priority in healthy & holistic nations.
It is possible to create this people's movement by uniting the youth, men and women from all walks of life in our society. We need to inculcate morality into today's youth & train them into honest activists. Such trained activists can take up the issues of education, health, women & youth empowerment, agriculture, environment to create a healthy democracy. If sustained campaigns & programs are implemented on above issues, a public opinion will be formed & it would be a beginning of the Change. It is necessary to formulate study groups on the above issues to form the policy and to urge the government to implement these policies.